Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

New Bookmark

May 17, 2009

I’m going to follow in everyone else’s footsteps and switch over to google for my blog. Yahoo is just too slow and doesn’t have as many options. So, remove your old bookmark and make a new one:

Or this is the perfect chance to get out of reading just one more blog. You can wonder why I haven’t posted any new things in a long time. Think of all of the time you would save!

Hello Everbody…

May 15, 2009

We’re so glad to see you…

Anyone who has taken the Music Together classes now has that song stuck in their head. Your welcome. Elias and I have been going to music classes on Fridays. We both have a great time. We sing songs, play instruments and dance around. Matthew is our teacher (see photo) and plays the guitar which makes the singing that much better. My one peeve is that the adults are supposed to make the music, and the adults in my class are lame-o. Why would you being your child to music class and not sing along? No one cares if you are on key or not, especially the kids. My sister Stephanie is taking the class in Arizona. She said, “Yeah, most of the time it seems like it is just a duet of the teacher and me.” I can relate.

Not for Grandparent Eyes

May 15, 2009

WARNING: This post will probably upset those Grandparent types. Read at your own risk. You have been forewarned.

Matt’s cousin just had their second son. Congrats to Andy and Diane! What doesn’t seem possible to me at this moment is having another baby. Many people do it. In fact most people I know who have kids have AT LEAST two, so when does it ever seem doable to have two miniature humans in the house? Elias is a handful as it is, plus it seems like I am just starting to get some time for myself. Will I wake up one day and think, “Now…now I could manage two?” I’m not thinking that’s likely. I’m guessing what will happen is, “Old…I guess I am starting to get pretty old.”

Froggy Potty

May 11, 2009

We have been putting Elias on his new Froggy Potty for a little while now, and all in all it seems to be going pretty well. A book we read suggested that any time after 6 months is a great time to start, so we thought we would give it a try. The hardest thing is figuring out when he goes, so we can put him on it in time. As you can see from the picture, I think he would stay on the potty all day if he could read his books. Just training him to become a real man.


May 10, 2009

So Elias points at Sumo and says, “dou.” It sounds a lot like dog, and I think I can distinguish it from “dat” when he points at other stuff. Should I put it in the baby book? How does anyone decide when their child says his/her first word? Doesn’t it continue to be a guessing game until they reach about 2/2.5? I don’t know how many times I have talked to kids and had to look at their Moms to get a translation. In fact, many times at work I have to do the same thing.


May 9, 2009

Elias is a superstar…at least at our local grocery store. From the instant you walk in you hear, “There he is,” “I just love that kid,” and “He is so adorable.” The workers are always oohing and ahhing over him. I’m thinking I better start making some glossy 8 X 10s of him to pass out, but don’t alert the popperatzi, please.

Getting Old?

May 8, 2009

Harvey from Matt’s work had a party the other night and all three of us went. It was a small gathering as there aren’t but a handful of them on this one project. There were two younger guys and their wives/girlfriends, Harvey and another 50+ guy and their wives, and then us…somewhere in the middle. I had a great time, but was surprised to find that I related, laughed and got along much better with the 50+ crowd than the others. Does that mean I’m getting old?

Early Mother’s Day

May 8, 2009

I came home yesterday to this wonderful sign hanging in Elias’ room. It was a Happy (early) Mother’s Day for me! Unfortunately, Matt left town this morning for work and won’t be back until Thursday, so we can’t celebrate on Sunday. It should be an interesting week. Wish me luck.


April 28, 2009

All Elias wants to do is climb up the stairs. Unfortunately we have really steep stairs, and he hasn’t yet figured out how to get down. It is starting to get tiresome following him up the stairs to be sure he doesn’t slip, and then carrying him back down only to repeat it all over again. I suppose it is better than the alternative which will come soon enough…Elias sliding down the banister.

Is it really too much to ask?

April 27, 2009

We looked around before Elias was born, and I thought we picked a pretty good daycare. It certainly has the price tag of a good daycare…I’m thinking it may even BE a pretty good daycare, which at times seems a little scary.

We feed Elias about 3-4 tablespoons of food every three hours at home, plus give him 6oz of milk at each feeding. He also loves to sleep, so he takes a nap (sometimes short) every 2-3 hours. On the weekends he is such a happy baby.

I don’t know how many times we have tried to communicate the schedule to the daycare. They still insist on only feeding Elias 6 oz. of milk at around 10:00, 3-4 tablespoons of food at 1:00, and then I pick him up around 4:00 (sometimes he gets an afternoon bottle, but not always). He also usually only gets one nap (about 1 hour) in the morning. Boy is he crabby. I usually have to hurry home, feed him and put him to bed. I know they have a lot of kids, but at least the napping thing seems like it would make their jobs easier.

I’ve decided at the next conference to break it down for them. Morning: bottle + snack, nap before 11:00. Afternoon: food + bottle, nap before 2:00. Is it really too much to ask?